Adrian Rodriguez-Marek,江汉大学精细爆破国家重点实验室和国家自然科学基金项目合作教授(2022-2025),美国弗吉尼亚理工大学土木与环境工程系教授,岩土地震工程和岩土工程性态设计领域国际知名学者。


 Dr. Rodriguez-Marek's research is in the general area of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. His research focuses on advancing the state of the art for non-ergodic seismic hazard assessment. His research projects address the quantification of the standard deviation of earthquake induced ground motions (sigma) accounting for repeatable path or site effects, and studies on the application of non-ergodic seismic hazard analysis including various effects such as surface topography or soil nonlinearity. Other current research projects include collaborative research with Dr. Russell Green on liquefaction triggering using energy-based methods within a probabilistic framework.

 Dr. Adrian Rodriguez-Marek obtained his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley in Civil Engineering in the year 2000. He then joined the faculty at Washington State University, and since 2010 has been a faculty member in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department at Virginia Tech. Dr. Rodriguez-Marek's research and teaching is in the area of geotechnical earthquake engineering, with a focus on site response and seismic hazard analysis. He has published extensively on various topics, including site response, ground motion characterization, and the treatment of uncertainty in seismic hazard analysis. Dr. Rodriguez-Marek has also participated as a consultant in various seismic hazard assessment projects for nuclear power plants and critical facilities around the world. He is the current chair of the Center for Geotechnical Practice and Research at Virginia Tech.