










09/2005 - 06/2009, 中国石油大学(华东),土木工程,工学学士

09/2009 - 06/2012, 中国石油大学(华东),结构工程,工学硕士

09/2012 - 08/2016Korea University,结构工程,工学博士(国家公派高水平项目资助)  


09/2016 - 03/2017Korea UniversityResearch Professor

03/2017 - 06/2023, 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),海洋工程学院

07/2023 - 至今, 江汉大学湖北(武汉)爆炸与爆破技术研究院








美国土木工程学会工程力学研究分会会员;亚洲混凝土联合会会员;韩国土木工程学会会员;韩国结构维修和检测研究学会会员;Corrosion Science, Construction and Building Materials, Computers and Concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research等期刊审稿人。


[1] 中央引导地方科技发展资金,2021 - 2022142万元,项目负责人;

[2] 国家自然科学基金联合基金合作研究课题2022 - 2024, 20万元,课题负责人

[3] 湖北省自然科学基金面上,湖北省科学技术厅,2024 - 20255万元,项目负责人;

[4] 山东省自然科学基金面上,山东省科学技术厅,2023 - 202510万元,项目负责人;

[5] 山东省自然科学基金博士项目,山东省科学技术厅,2018 - 20208万元,项目负责人;

[6]中铁第四勘察设计院,2024-2025, 90万元,项目负责人;

[7爆破工程湖北省重点实验室基金开放基金,2022 - 20238万元,项目负责人;

[8中船重工集团725所基金,中船重工,2018 - 20208万元,项目负责人;


[10中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,哈尔滨工业大学,2019 - 20205万元,项目负责人;

[11校地共建重大项目,威海市科技局,2018 - 201914万元,项目负责人;

[12] 江汉大学科研骨干科研启动经费,30万元,项目负责人

[13哈尔滨工业大学(威海)创新项目2018 - 20193万元,项目负责人。


[25] Zhu Xingji, L. Xu*, P. Wu, C. Xiao, Y. Wang, S. Lin, J.i Zhao (2024). Failure mode of passive film under electric field and chloride environment in concrete. Construction and Building Materials.

[24] Lin Shibin, Ashlock JC, Zhu LM, Qin ZX, Li B, ZhuXingji*, Zhai CH(2024). Effect of trigger system on experimental dispersion characteristics of active surface wave testing. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration.

[23] Xingji Zhu, Wenshan Peng*, Changrong Xiao, Li Ma, Jian Hou* (2023). Effect of electric field intensity on chloride binding capacity of concrete. Journal of materials research and technology.

[22] Xu Longjun, Wu Pangang*, Zhu Xingji*, Zhao Guochen, Ren Xiulian, Wei Qifeng, Xie Lili (2022). Structural characteristics and chloride intrusion mechanism of passive film. CORROSION SCIENCE.

[21]Qingchen Liu, Lianfang Sun, Xingji Zhu*, Longjun Xu, Guochen Zhao (2022). Chloride transport in the reinforced concrete column under the marine environment: Distinguish the atmospheric, tidal-splash and submerged zones. Structures.

[20] Xingji Zhu, Kainian Jiang, Qingchen Liu, Lin Tang* (2022). An analytical method for the thermo-mechanics coupling study of thin-walled spherical shell structure. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering.

[19] Xudong Cheng*, Runkang Huang, Lingyue Xu, Chuan Ma, Xingji Zhu* (2021). Parametric study on the trench designing for X80 buried steel pipeline crossing oblique-reverse fault. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.

[18ZhuXingji*, Dai, X., Tan, Y., Meng, Z. and Xu, L.(2022). Ingress of chloride ions with carbonation: Parameter estimation and analytical simplification. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 25(3): 387-408.

[17] Xingji Zhu, Xuerui Dai, Lu Liu*, Wenfeng Bian*, Longjun Xu, Zhaozheng Meng (2021). A simplified coupling model of carbonation and chloride ingress based on Stefan-like condition. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering.

[16] L.-Fang Sun, Kainian Jiang, Xingji Zhu*, Longjun Xu (2020). An alternating experimental study on the combined effect of freeze-thaw and chloride penetration in concrete. Construction and Building Materials 252: 119025.

[15] Xingji ZhuZhaozheng MengLu Liu*Longjun Xu (2020). An equivalent smeared layer method for simulating the non-uniform corrosion-induced damage of concrete. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 224: 106791.

[14] Lu Liu, Yue Liu, Xingji Zhu* (2019). Evaluation of nonlinear displacement of self-centering structures with metallic energy dissipaters by considering the early yield of the energy dissipating system. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 125: 105757.

[13ZhuXingji, Zi, G.*, Sun, L.F. and You, I. (2019). A simplified probabilistic model for the combined durability of carbonation and chloride ingress. Magazine of Concrete Research 71(7):327-340.  

[12ZhuXingji, and Zi, G.* (2017). A 2D mechano-chemical coupling model for the simulation of reinforcement corrosion and concrete damage. Construction and Building Materials 137.

[11]ZhuXingji, Zi, G.*, Lee, W., Kim, S., and Kong, J. S.(2017). Probabilistic analysis of reinforcement corrosion due to the combined action of carbonation and chloride ingress in concrete. Construction and Building Materials 124: 667-680.

[10ZhuXingji, Zi, G.*, Cao, Z., and Cheng, X. (2016). Combined effect of carbonation and chloride ingress in concrete. Construction and Building Materials 110: 369-380.

[9] ZhuXingji, Kim, S., Kwak, D., Bea, K., and Zi, G.*(2016). Parametric analysis for the simultaneous carbonation and chloride ion penetration in reinforced concrete sections. Journal of the Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection. 2016, 20 (5): 66-74.

[8] Zi, G.*, and ZhuXingji (2014). Asymmetric vibration of finger-type bridge expansion joint for design consideration. Engineering Structures 70(1): 53-62.

[7] ZhuXingji, C. Zhao, L. Xu*, Y. Wang*, S. Lin and G. Zhao(2024). Numerical Integration Study of Penetration and BlastingDamage for Composite Underground Protective Structure withReinforcement Layers. BUILDINGS 14, 1848.

[6] ZhuXingji, Chen, Z.X.*, Wang, H., Chen, Y. and Xu, L.(2018). Probabilistic generalization on a comprehensive model for the deterioration prediction of RC structure under the extreme corrosion environment. Sustainability 10(9): 1-17.

[5] Chen,Z.X., Yan,X.Y.*, Wang,H., ZhuXingji*, and Spencer, K.F.(2018). Substructure Hybrid Simulation Boundary Technique Based on Beam/Column Inflection Points. Sustainability 10(8): 2655.

[4ZhuXingji, Meng, Z., Liu, Y., Xu, L.,and Chen, Z.* (2018). Entire process simulation of corrosion due to the ingress of chloride ions and CO2 in Concrete. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering.

[3] Chen,Z.X., Wang,H.D., Wang,H., Jiang,H.B., ZhuXingji*, and Wang,K.(2018). Application of the hybrid simulation method for the full-scale precast reinforced concrete shear wall structure. Applied Sciences-BASEL 252(8): 1-17.

[1]朱兴吉,程旭东*,彭文山,Goangseup Zi,热应力作用下液化天然气储罐球形罐顶应力分布及裂缝形态石油学报, 2014(05), 993-1000.

[2]程旭东*朱兴吉LNG储罐外墙温度应力分析及预应力筋设计[J]. 石油学报, 2012(03), 499-505..


[1] 朱兴吉、赫美萍,以内力矩对梁结构进行加固及校正装置,CN201710405898.42019年,已授权并产业化;

[3] 徐龙军、朱兴吉、左涛,海洋环境下钢筋混凝土结构腐蚀劣化过程的无损评估系统,2022年;

[4] 朱兴吉、李华锋等,一种可除盐雾及强酸碱的空气滤芯,202221542705.22022年;



[5] 朱兴吉、徐龙军等,近海钢筋混凝土结构腐蚀劣化全过程及承载力预测软件,2019SR12957092019年;

[6] 朱兴吉,一种智能化自动识别式的中效及高效过滤器质量检测系统,2022SR06883542022年;

[7] 朱兴吉一种双U组合式滤芯ZL202320411267.42023年;

[8] 朱兴吉、徐龙军、江汉大学,钻地弹侵彻爆炸后防护结构抗力评估软件,2023SR18055732023年;







孟昭铮:Delft university of technology代尔夫特理工大学);

肖长荣:Korea University(高丽大学);





左  涛:四川省组织部(优秀选调生)
